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Facial and Oral Surgery

Facial and Oral Surgery

Common Types of Oral Surgery Procedures


Oral surgery is a medical specialty focused on reconstructive surgery of all types, including maxillofacial trauma, oral surgery, facial trauma, the oral cavity, jaw and neck. Oral surgeons are also specialists in treating disorders of the maxillary sinus, the maxillary gums, the frontal sinus, the ethmoid sinus, and the sphenoid sinus. They treat disorders and conditions of the maxillary region, including the hyoid bone and associated structures and the uvula, which are the disc material that protects the bones. They also treat conditions that affect the oral cavity such as abnormalities of the uvula, malocclusion, osteopenia (decreased bone density), and hygienic issues. The maxillary sinus is the largest of all sinuses and has the greatest function in regulating facial movement. Click for more info here  about oral surgery.

One of the most common types of oral surgery is known as an endoscopic sinus surgery. This procedure involves making an incision in the nasal passage through which light can be seen inside the nose. Through this method of procedure, nasal swelling and congestion are relieved. Another common type of oral surgery is done through the perianal approach, which requires removal of a portion of the upper engine to provide relief from toothache. The upper engine is then restored and the remaining area tightened to avoid recurrence of the problem.

Another common form of oral surgery is tooth extraction. This is usually required when teeth have decayed or when they are too decayed to maintain proper hygiene. A tooth extraction may also be required for reasons such as the inability to remove teeth due to poor fitting of dentures, due to arthritis, injury, or simply because the patient prefers to keep his or her original teeth. Another form of tooth extraction is done when the patient suffers from periodontal disease where the diseased gum tissues, bone and nerves are pushing out beyond the gums, causing the patient to lose sensation in that area. Other reasons for teeth extraction include molar reduction, when the front teeth are removed to allow room for implants and when the patient undergoes cosmetic dental treatment in which case all of the front teeth are extracted.

Dental implantation is another procedure in which artificial tooth roots are placed in the jaw so that replacement teeth can be attached to them. This type of oral surgery involves making an incision in the gum line through which the artificial tooth roots are being placed and the tissues of the jaw are tightened around them. The soft tissue made a strong base for the artificial tooth to be attached to. This procedure is generally used to replace teeth that were lost to trauma or infection.

Cleft lip and cleft palate removal are another popular form of oral surgery performed by oral surgeons. The two conditions are similar but their causes and effects are quite different. A cleft lip is an abnormality of the anatomy in which part of the lower jaw appears missing. The exact cause of a cleft palate is unknown, although genetic and hormonal factors have been implicated. Although this condition cannot be corrected with surgery, surgical procedures are performed regularly to alleviate symptoms and to correct deformities.

Other common Georgia Facial & Oral Surgery  procedures include laser lipolysis and laser cauterization. Laser lipolysis involves using lasers to reduce fat deposits in the body; it is an excellent procedure used for reducing fat deposits in the face and legs. Laser cauterization involves using an electric current to reduce scarring from burns and other similar damage to the skin and muscles. These procedures are routinely performed by plastic surgeons and are very successful in reducing facial and upper body fat.  If you want to know more about this topic, then click here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oral_and_maxillofacial_surgery.

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